
Get guidance from the best MBA Admission Consultant - Shine The Brightest In The Constellation of Applicants

Why Us? Why Not Us? We offer the best MBA Admissions Consulting Services for global applicants.

Each Year Since 2008...

  • $50Mn+

    Scholarships in Top 50 MBA programs!

  • 35+

    Admits In US Top 20 MBA programs

  • 60+

    Admits In US Top 21~50 MBA programs

  • 30+

    Admits Of Indian-IT-Male MBA applicants in US Top 25 MBA programs

  • 40+

    Admits In European Top 10 MBA programs

  • 25+

    Admits In Indian Top 5 MBA programs

  • ~90%

    Interview Calls For ISB MBA program

  • 20+

    Admits In US Top 50 MBA programs With 100% Scholarship!

  • 10+

    Admits In US Top 25 MBA programs with Gmat<650

We believe in full transparency, and therefore partnered with a leading accounting firm to verify the results of our MBA Admissions Consulting services for the 2023-2024 programs. Take a look at our admission statistics.

  • General Admission Rate in Top 25 MBA programs
  • MBAEssayConsultant's Admission Rate
Results of our MBA Admissions Consulting Services for 2023-24
Total Clients serviced 45
Clients who received at least 1 admission offer from Top 25 MBA programs 42
Total international admission offers 112
Total admission offers to HBS, Stanford & Wharton MBA programs 18 40%
Admission offers to Top 5 B-Schools 28 62.2%
% of clients with a Top 10 admit 97%
Total Scholarships $5,200,000
# students with at least one admission offer with scholarship 27
% students with at least one admission offer with scholarship 60
# of admission offers with at least 1 full scholarship offer 9 20%
Business School Admits Total Scholarship Offers
HBS 9 $1,752,000
Stanford 4 $640,000
Wharton 24 $890,000
University of Chicago (Booth) 11 $580,000
Northwestern University (Kellogg) 31 $1,794,000
Columbia Business School 4 $165,000
MIT (Sloan) 2 None
Duke University (Fuqua) 9 $470,000
Dartmouth College (Tuck) 9 $160,000
Yale School of Management 7 $240,000
University of Michigan (Ross) 14 $1,155,000
University of Virginia (Darden) 5 $60,000
New York University (Stern) 6 $150,000
Cornell University (Johnson) 3 $108,000
London Business School 9 None
INSEAD 12 $25,000
Other Schools 6 $1,040,000
MBA Admission Consultant sandip bhattacharya

Sandip Bhattacharya, the best MBA Admission Consultant in the world

Get into The World's Best MBA Programs... Without Perfect Stats...With our MBA Admissions Consulting Services

Don't worry! Sandip, one of the best MBA Admission Consultants globally, has helped many ‘unconventional’ and ‘average’ candidates make it to the top MBA programs. He will get the best out of you. With his unique MBA admissions consulting services, he will present the best episodes of your life in the most powerful way and secure your admission to top business schools.

Contact Sandip to Secure Admission to Top 15 B-schools

Client Testimonials of our MBA Admissions Consulting Services

AJ Gauravdeep

Admit: INSEAD & Columbia

Background: India + Technology (Apple & EBay)

GMAT: 750

Target Industry: Big Tech

Gauravdeep hailed from the world of “Big Tech’ and aspired to become the Education Minister of India one day! He aspired to enroll in a top-notch MBA as well as a Master of International Affairs (MIA) program. His career aspirations are quite unconventional.

With my unique MBA admissions consulting skills, I tailored his application accordingly and he made a clean sweep, receiving admissions from INSEAD MBA program and MIA program at Columbia.

Anand Ankala

Admit: Kellogg & Booth

Background: India

GMAT: 730

Target Industry: Big Tech

Anand hailed from the world of manufacturing and aspires to climb the corporate ladder and become a C-level executive one day. He had to face enormous odds as he was an Indian applicant with very few differentiating factors.

Leveraging my vast MBA admissions consulting experience, I positioned Anand as a team player, telling stories from his professional life in an engaging manner. He was able to highlight the tremendous contributions he made to his team, thereby gaining admissions from Kellogg and Booth.

Nasir Khan

Admit: LBS & Booth

Background: Pakistan

Target Industry: Entrepreneurship

Nasir had 15 years of work experience as a serial entrepreneur and consultant. During his first attempt, he received extensive guidance from various MBA students and other MBA applicants in various online forums. All of them offered him a wrong perception of ‘differentiation’. He wrote stories from his personal life in his admission essays that highlighted his struggle with a neglecting father and how such painful memories of the past molded him into a responsible citizen of society. He himself didn’t believe much in those stories. However, he believed that these were the kind of stories that admissions officers want to hear. He was rejected by all five top EMBA programs.

As his MBA Admission Consultant, I had to convince him that MBA programs are primarily looking for business leaders. Business schools aren’t any ‘School of Psychology’. Writing about painful memories doesn’t work most of the time, as almost all of us have painful memories of the past. Leveraging my vast MBA admissions consulting experience, I differentiated Nasir from other applicants by projecting his superb leadership skills.

It was hard work, but worth it when he received admissions from LBS and Booth.

Shishir Vadodaria

Admit: Booth

Background: Indian + IT

GMAT: 690

Target Industry: Big Tech

Shishir had 4 years of work experience and dreamt of moving to a top-tier consultancy. He had very few differentiating factors in his profile; however, he had the fire in his heart to smash the glass ceiling.

As his MBA Admission Consultant, I worked with him for several weeks to perfect his applications. Leveraging my vast MBA admissions consulting experience, I positioned him as a young leader in the corporate world who has immense potential. We rehearsed his narrative until he knew it inside out, earning him admits to Kellogg and Booth.

Rahul Thadani


Background: Indian + Digital Marketing

GMAT: 710

Target Industry: Entreprenuership

Rahul had 7 years of work experience in digital marketing. He was very less assertive in his communication style and suffered from tremendous self-doubt, despite having quite a few differentiating factors in his profile.

As his MBA Admission Consultant, I brainstormed with him for several weeks to perfect his goals and make him realize his strengths. I undertook several confidence building measures so as to instill courage in his heart. Using my extensive MBA admissions consulting experience, I positioned him as a young leader in the world of digital marketing who has immense potential to serve global clients. We rehearsed his narrative until he knew it inside out, earning him admits to INSEAD GEMBA.



Background: Indian + Manufacturing

GMAT: 700

Target Industry: Consulting

Sai had 14 years of work experience in Oman and dreamt of moving to a top-tier consultancy. He had excellent work experience in the engineering sector with decent leadership skills. However, he was rejected on his 1st attempt due to intense competition. Moreover, he failed to project his leadership skills in his admissions essays.

As his MBA Admission Consultant, I worked with him for several weeks to showcase his leadership skills in various job roles. I also focussed on his soft skills as he had excellent negotiation and mentoring skills (he aspired to move into consulting, a career that needs patience, ability to understand others' problems and indepth analytical skills). Using my extensive MBA admissions consulting experience, I positioned him as a mid-level career professional who has lots of transferrable skills that he would bring into his consulting career.

Eshwar Narayanan

Admit: Haas + Anderson

Background: Indian + Pharma Scientist

Target Industry: Leadership in Pharma Manufacturing

Eshwar has 9 years of work experience in USA and aspires to become a top leader in pharma manufacturing. He has excellent work experience in pharma research with little exposure to management and leadership.

As his MBA Admission Consultant, I worked with him for several weeks to showcase his leadership skills in various job roles. I also focussed on his soft skills as he had excellent organizaton and coordination skills. Leveraging my vast MBA admissions consulting experience, I positioned him as a mid-level career professional who has lots of transferrable skills that he would bring into his leadership positions.

For more testimonials on our MBA Admissions Consulting Services, please click here.

There’s a perfect way to tell every story. In our MBA Admissions Consulting Service, we help you find yours.

It’s natural to have blind spots about your strengths and weaknesses, and also to doubt that admissions officers at your target business schools are interested in what you have to say. As a globally renowned MBA Admission Consultant, Sandip will get you through that.

Our best MBA Admission Consultant will help you to Narrate Compelling Stories in your MBA Application Essays.

The best MBA essays, the most readable ones, are often written in the form of a story. It is a form you could use to tremendous advantage. However, this is more easily said than done. You can try to tell your story and botch it all up. Story-telling does not come naturally to everyone. It is an art that has to be learned. As an MBA admission consultant, I have spent a significant portion of my life to perfect this art.

Leveraging my vast experience in MBA admission consulting, I will discuss some basic ways of creating a compelling story in your MBA Essays:

1. Well begun is half done: make a dramatic opening in your MBA essays

You must hook your readers right at the start, or else they might find their attention wavering even before getting into your story. Good story-tellers often employ a non-linear narrative, that is, they choose not to begin at the beginning, but somewhere in the middle.

Consider the following openings:

  • I was seated at my desk that day when my boss called me up to say that he wanted to see me. I had successfully completed a project a few days earlier, for which he had congratulated me heartily, and I suspected that he was calling me in the same connection. Therefore, I entered his office optimistically. He was not alone – the head of HR was seated by his side.
  • I entered my boss’s office with a smile on my face, and why not? Just a few days earlier he had congratulated me heartily for some fine work that I had done, and I knew I was in his good books. But he looked sombre now, and he was not alone. The head of HR sat grimly by his side, and I wondered what on earth he was doing there.

While both the openings introduce you to the setting of the story, I would prefer the second option as an MBA admission consultant. The first version follows a chronological order and, hence, fails to infuse any real tension. In the second version, questions arise in your mind straightaway: why is the boss sombre? Why is he not alone? What’s the head of HR doing with him, and why is this man also looking so grim?

You have created tension. You can’t make a story grip without it.

2. Create sympathy as you build up the suspense in your MBA essays.

Once he sat me down, this was what my boss said: “We’d like you to know that this is a business decision and not a personal one. We appreciate the work you have done here, but we have called you to discuss the termination of your employment with us.”

At once, the reader knows what you stand to lose, and he/she is on your side. Losing a job is no joke, and especially the fact that your boss is clearly appreciative of your work makes the sudden development of your termination meeting all the more traumatic.

Add the sympathy you have gained to the element of mystery your account has created so far. The reader will naturally want to know why, out of the blue, the management took such a drastic step, as well as how you will cope with the situation.

3. Demonstrate character in your MBA essays.

  • I couldn’t believe my ears. My jaw dropped. But I quickly gathered myself to ask, “Could I know the reason, sir?”
  • There was an envelope lying in front of my boss. He picked it up and, offering it to me, remarked, “You are being terminated without cause, but we would be glad to give you four weeks’ severance pay.”
  • I held the envelope in my hand and resolved not to ask again, not to whine. I would cope, I told myself.

Demonstrating your strength helps the reader identify with you and makes him more eager to read on. In the above extract, the writer has revealed a few noteworthy qualities – the ability to quickly recover from a shock, the self-esteem evident in his decision not to plead for a reason once it became clear that the boss was not interested in providing one, and the writer’s confidence that he had it in him to deal with the situation.

4. Speak of the lessons learned.

I came out of the office and thought long and hard. Had I unknowingly committed some mistake? As much as I reviewed the past since the time my boss had profusely praised me a few days ago, I just couldn’t figure out where I might have gone wrong. And I thought, had I really gone wrong, wouldn’t he have spelt it out to me?

I returned home and went into deep thoughts. It occurred to me that, no matter how good the going might seem at a particular moment, you were always at another’s mercy when you were working for somebody else. Therefore, I reasoned, why don’t I start my own business? Why don’t I become my own boss?

His setback has made him introspect, and his introspection has opened up new possibilities in his life. As an MBA admission consultant, I believe that when you speak of the lessons you have learned from a crisis in your life or career, you are in effect, telling the school that you are a positive thinker, and that you have the capacity to grow.

5. Describe the process in your MBA essays.

Drawing on my savings, and with the help of a few friends, I opened up a courier service in my hometown Chicago.

Assuming you are writing this essay, you could, begin with this statement, give an insider account of all the steps you took to in the process of starting your business, the problems you encountered, the contacts you made, and the new things you came to know.

6. The Story’s Resolution: how were the lessons implemented?

Over the next three years, I opened three more branches in the city, and today I am poised to expand my business to New York and Florida. In the long run, I plan to set up shop in Singapore and Dubai as well.

I often thank my lucky stars that I was fired!

Incidentally, I learned that, a week after my sacking, my boss’s nephew took my place in the company. That tells its own story, doesn’t it?

The resolution releases the tension in the story and rounds it off.

Remember, a story needs a main character (you, where the essay is concerned); this character enters into a crisis and need to cross obstacles. The greater the obstacles, the more gripping the story usually becomes. For example, in the story given here, you could add twists even towards the end, with new problems entering the scene when the writer is trying to establish his courier service. But once the protagonist surmounts the challenges based on the strength of his character and abilities, the story comes to a close.

As an MBA admission consultant, I believe that your story needs to focus on some additional elements. Firstly, you have to show what lessons the crisis taught you; and secondly, you have to demonstrate that you not only learnt your lessons, but were also able to put them into practice in a real-life situation.

Curious to know more MBA Essay Writing Tips?

Our various MBA Admissions Consulting Services

Complete Application Packages

End to end consultation and support for one school.

Live Essay Editing

We work with clients live over Zoom and Google Docs. Together, we'll compile your experience into concise application essays.

Resume Editing

Articulate all your leadership accomplishments effectively and project your uniqueness.

Mock Interviews

Prepare for MBA interviews through realistic mocks using actual questions from past MBA interviews.

Recommendation Letter Editing

Editing and guidance to highlight leadership potential and uniqueness to differentiate you from the crowd.

Masters and Undergraduate

SOP editing & Interview coaching services for applying to top universities in USA & Canada.

MBA Admissions Consulting Services Application Package Price