UCLA Anderson Business School

UCLA Anderson FEMBA Essay Tips 2024

UCLA Anderson FEMBA Essay Tips # 1: Tell us about yourself and what you will bring to the learning community at UCLA Anderson. (500 word maximum)

The point of this essay is to find out how well you know yourself, whether you have the ability to introspect, and whether you have discovered for yourself where exactly you stand out from the crowd. It is only when you have this self-awareness that you can build on your strengths and identify your weaknesses. To be constantly self-aware is the path to growth, and not to be so is an invitation to stagnation.

There are many ways in which you could be very useful for the UCLA Anderson community. It would be preferable to deal with a particular quality or set of qualities that you possess, and if this aligns in some way with Anderson’s core values, you will undoubtedly be deemed a good fit for the school. What are these core values? Collaborating to win, and sharing success; being innovative and fearless in thinking, and ready to discover through experimentation; being pragmatic and action-oriented, with the ability to drive change.

Can you relate your uniqueness to one or more of these values? Illustrate your answer through anecdotal references to your personal and/or professional life. Perhaps, sometime in your career, you have delivered a significant new revenue source or cost saving measure to your organization’s bottom line; or perhaps, collaborating with colleagues, you have utilized the skills of everyone involved to attain some singular success.

You may even be useful because, unlike most others, you are conscious of your weaknesses, and have taken the trouble to eliminate them one by one! At UCLA, you could share the details of your painful journey with your peers and inspire them to overcome their weakness. Recounting your experiences in this respect could result in a fascinating essay.

UCLA Anderson FEMBA Essay Tips # 2: What are your short and long term career goals and what aspects of UCLA Anderson will support you in achieving those goals? (500 word maximum)

This is a straightforward career goals question and should not pose any problems. You could begin my mentioning the position you already occupy in your present company, and then go on to explain precisely why you are pursuing the UCLA Anderson FEMBA program. That would automatically involve discussing the position you would like to see yourself in, post-MBA. If there are specific companies that you have in mind except the one you are currently working in, you should mention that as well, along with the reasoning behind your choice.

Next, proceed to your long-term goals, your reasons for having them, and the larger impact you wish to make through attaining your goal. Don't focus only to write big job titles such as CEO, COO or Partner of any consulting firm, but explain what impact you will have on the world at large. For instance, if you dream to be the CEO of an Impact Investment Fund, please write how you are going to invest in Africa, Asia or Latin America to eradicate illeteracy or poor sanitary conditions. Establish a clear link between your short and long-term goals.

Express your enthusiasm for the entire process, and say how you think the UCLA FEMBA program is relevant to the realization of your dreams.

UCLA Anderson FEMBA Essay Tips # Optional Question: Are there any additional circumstances in your profile about which the Admissions Committee should be aware?(500 words)

Please review my tips for Optional MBA essays in my blog page here

UCLA FEMBA Class Profile and Deadlines

Class Profile and Deadlines: Click here

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Anderson Differentiation

  • Great location – Los Angeles
  • Hub of media and entertainment industry
  • Excellent real estate and finance programs

Anderson is known for

  • Top ranked program in California
  • Globally diversified student body – 44 countries represented!
  • Strong focus on giving back to the community

Apply if you have

  • Wish to work in the west coast
  • Think fearlessly and open to change
  • Accomplishments in extracurricular

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